zondag 6 januari 2013

Nostradamus plate 82

Nostradamus plate 82
This plate shows us that with unconditional love (lady in pink dress) we could purify ourselves (lady in blue dress - watch the underdress .. it's a green dress) with eventually to live from out of our hearts (lady in green dress). A new world with love and hapiness is born.
All three women are pregnant, so the fertility of this new world is very good. :)

Nostradamus plate 81

Nostradamus plate 81
This plate shows us that people are really going back to their base of existing/feelings. All leaves are removed from the three, whilst the tree trunks (base) are connected with the earth. The men is carriering a basket with new seeds to plant. New seeds stands for new life.

Nostradamus plate 80

Nostradamus plate 80
This plate shows us that a new world could get build under the influence of the universal religion what was mentioned earlier during this blog. Spreading this universal religion should make a big step towards the future.

Nostradamus plate 79

Nostradamus plate 79

This plate shows us what kind of phases we are passing by coming to our centre.
From left to right ... heavily guarded knights .. which could stand for our old way of dealing with life. Heavily protected and to stand strong during the old life.
The second interpretation of the knights is that we are protected. The first knight has a message for us (see hand).
The middle phase (fighting men) shows us that emotions could get very high during this phase and we are really fighting to ourselves. The castle walls behind, shows us the barrieres we should take to come to our centre.
The people which are standing on the very right side of this plate (pink and yellow) are those people who are happy and filled with love.
Meaning that left stands for past and right stands for future. We all should end as people filled with love and happiness.

zondag 30 december 2012

Nostradamus plate 78

Nostradamus plate 78

During the (dark) phase that the old religions are fading away to the past, a new universal religion is born. Please refer to the higher ground in which both men are standing to demonstrate the universal religion, in relation to the men which is holding on to the old religion. Higher ground = increased awareness.

Nostradamus plate 77

Nostradamus plate 77

People are requesting for forgiveness to the leaders of the old religions, since this could be the last rescue attempt. People are offering lot's of property to the old religions in order to rescue themselves. Other people (red dressed) are discussing what is the best religion.
The leaders of the old religions are still trying to convince the people to believe in their religion.

Nostradamus plate 76

Nostradamus plate 76

The leaders of the old religions and world leaders are now confused, since they don't know what is happening to the world. They are trying to get an answer how to help people, although they are not connected to the universe to receive the answers.